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Laughing at Ourselves (Translation Jokes)

September 14, 2009 2 Comments »

I found a few jokes for/about translators on a website. Maybe I’ve been at this job too long and they hit too close to home, but some of the jokes didn’t seem too funny to me. They reminded me of some hard times when I had just started out… But there were some others that I’m going to publish here because I liked them quite a bit. I hope that you enjoy them as well, especially as we count down to our “special day,” Translator’s Day.  I’ve included some jokes in English and some jokes in Spanish.

– ¿A qué se dedica?
– Soy traductor.
– ¿En serio? ¡Qué bien! Pero yo le preguntaba cómo se gana la vida.
– ¿Se refiere a trabajar? No trabajo. Gano tanto traduciendo que no necesito trabajar.
– ¿Podría tenerlo listo en tres días? Me urge mucho.
– Por supuesto.
– ¿Cuánto me costaría?
– 1.500 dólares
– ¿Tanto por tres días de trabajo?
– Si se queda más tranquilo puedo tardar una semana.
– ¿Y no podría hacerme un descuento?
– ¿Por qué?
– ¡Gana usted más que yo!
– Pues debería plantearse hacerse traductor.
– Tenemos un presupuesto mejor. Sepa que hay muchos traductores dispuestos a aceptar el trabajo con una tarifa más sensata.
– Bueno, pues sepa que hay muchos clientes dispuestos a pagar las tarifas que le he dado.
– What’s the best price you can offer me?
– X dollars.
– That much for a sheet of paper?
– Ah, my mistake, the paper’s free. It comes with the translation. The price is for putting the words on the paper.
– I’m sorry, but we can’t pay you any more than that. We’d be losing money with this project.
– Ok, well call me back when you’ve got a more profitable project.

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2 Responses to “Laughing at Ourselves (Translation Jokes)”

  • Commented on September 16, 2009 at 10:15 am

    I agree with you. Some of them hit a bit too close to home! But they gave me a laugh. Thank you.

  • Commented on September 16, 2009 at 3:15 am

    I agree with you. Some of them hit a bit too close to home! But they gave me a laugh. Thank you.