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What Is CART?

cart  is the acronym for Communication (also Computer) Assisted Real- Translation. CART is an assistive that converts speech to text. It is additionally known as real-time stenography or even open captioning.

CART were first used in 1996 to provide a student access to classroom lectures. Today CART services are being used by many universities and institutions of higher education to provide the same services to the hearing impaired.

Many groups are benefiting from this technology from students with hearing and visual impairments to students with various learning disabilities and even Attention Deficit disorders. Students are provided with transcripts which can be used as study notes and reference materials.

Trained captionists attend classes with the student that requires these services. A laptop placed in front of the student is connected to a stenograph machine and equipped with Real-Time software applications. As the professor speaks, the CART reporters use a phonetic called Steno which is a combination of sounds, when keys are pressed together they present certain phonemes. The text is displayed on the laptop or monitor which is viewed as a word for word rendition of what the professor says.

Trusted Translations offers competitive rates for CART services which have been proven to be a valuable tool for students from elementary schools through higher institutions of learning. CART is gaining recognition as it promotes independent learning, full involvement and equal access.