Spanish Translation Blog: Spanish Translation US » Blog Archive Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day

Mother’s day is a date that holds a very special place in the hearts of many people around the world. Many countries including the US, celebrate on the second Sunday of the month of May, although other countries around the world may choose a different date altogether. Generally Mother’s day is associates with spring and new life.

In the and Canada, mother’s day is one of the most celebrated holidays after Christmas. People reflect on the importance of mothers in their life and thank them for their unconditional love and support. This tradition to honor and celebrate motherhood started in the United States during the early 20th Century. By 1920 it became highly commercialized and today we still follow that same tradition of honoring our mother, grandmother or mother figure by gifting flowers, presents a card or a symbolic item.8                                                                                                          For those whose mother may reside in a different country or perhaps do not speak , a large variety of cards in many languages have been made available. Many times you may find a same card with a beautiful and profound message in more than one . Cards with poems are also very popular. Generally the poet will redact these messages in their mother tongue and contract a company or team of translators to interpret their message.                                                                                                                                                                   It’s important that are used in these cases as a would simply not suffice as acceptable. Professional translation companies will ensure the true significance of the author’s words have been appropriately captured in the new language.

I would like to wish all you mom’s out there a very happy mother’s day and may you be celebrated as the special woman you are.