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Thinking Outside the Box

As a new-century , you have to be a quick thinker. It’s not just about hitting the road and trying to meet a quota for the number of calls per day.

Thinking outside the box entails your finding creative ways to maximize the accounts that you have. Think about focusing on multiple contacts within an account, seeking to match your company’s resources, including people, to your clients’ needs. Maybe you have to be a bit more persuasive and spruce up your techniques, but your personal impact will be the key to improving organizational on both sides of the sales equation.

A good promotes tier-level selling in his customer’s organization as well as in his own organization. This is a method of getting referrals. This is a way to get others to sell your products or services on your behalf.

imagesReview your accounts and isolate the ones that have multiple branches and/or locations. Now reach out to your contacts and find a way to tap into these branches. Perhaps you can their corporate office and apply yourself to understanding their structure and find a way to be part of their vendor database. So the next time they are in the market for some , they will consider giving you a shot.

You can also ask for a referral from one of your clients. Don’t be over-ambitious or overtly persuasive about this; be casual and if your client is happy with the of the translations and services that you are offering, he will surely be happy to recommend you. All it takes is an email introducing you, and the rest is up to you.

A good account manager thinks outside the box and practices scenario planning. Always try to be a short-term planner and a long-term strategic thinker.

We hope we were able to provide you with some useful tips. Please feel free to contact us for all your translation/ needs.