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Translate Your Twitter

May 8, 2009 6 Comments »

Twitter, tweet and tweak your heart out globally now with a number of new products and services. If you have not yet heard, Twitter is a micro-blogging service that allows people to stay connected, and according to the New York Times, Twitter is “one of the fastest-growing phenomena on the Internet.” Friends keep in touch with friends, companies keep their clients up to date on their , and there is even a President Barack Obama Twitter, which, along with a Youtube channel and MySpace page, is part of the “WhiteHouse 2.0” initiative (this will also coincidentally be translated soon). So evidently it’s huge in the U.S. But what if you want to ? Or twitter in French?

As with any translated , you can into any language with a human or a . Businesses that plan their twitter announcements in advance can send out to have a set of tweets translated for their multilingual markets. There are also of course programs that function as an automatic , but with an already condensed text space and a language of its own, this inevitably leads to garbled translations. Machine translations of tweets have proven to be nearly incomprehensible and much of the “wit” disappears into thin air.

So regardless of whether you want to twittear in Spanish or send out a gazouillisin French, human translation is your best bet for a Twitter translator. And to keep up to speed on the happenings at Spanish Translation, you can now follow us at

6 Responses to “Translate Your Twitter”

  • Laura
    Commented on May 8, 2009 at 11:17 pm

    Hey Justinb!
    Honetly, I had never heard about it before. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    I’ll be waiting for your next blog!

  • Laura
    Commented on May 8, 2009 at 4:17 pm

    Hey Justinb!
    Honetly, I had never heard about it before. Thanks for sharing it with us!
    I’ll be waiting for your next blog!

  • Commented on June 27, 2009 at 4:20 pm

    Or you can use iPhone application Twitter World which can in real time translate Tweets. It uses Google’s AJAX API so it is not as good as human. But it is fast and convenient.

    Check it out:

    or in iTunes Store

  • Commented on June 27, 2009 at 9:20 am

    Or you can use iPhone application Twitter World which can in real time translate Tweets. It uses Google’s AJAX API so it is not as good as human. But it is fast and convenient.

    Check it out:

    or in iTunes Store

  • Commented on August 1, 2009 at 11:36 pm

    This site has an online Twitter Translator that you can use to translate into a number of languages: and you can call it directly passing the name of the feed you want to translate as well as the language its written in and the language to convert it into e.g http://www.strictly-software/strictlytweets/en/ru I think it also uses googles AJAX api to do the translations.

  • Commented on August 1, 2009 at 4:36 pm

    This site has an online Twitter Translator that you can use to translate into a number of languages: and you can call it directly passing the name of the feed you want to translate as well as the language its written in and the language to convert it into e.g http://www.strictly-software/strictlytweets/en/ru I think it also uses googles AJAX api to do the translations.