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Translation Quotes: Speed Gets you First

Speed brings you firstThe speed in which a request is processed will determine in many cases whether the will move forward with a translation or not. A professional approach will put you on the road to . There are several ways by which we receive quote requests: e-mail, phone calls and through our website. Each quote request is considered important and a fast initial response is key to move to the next step: the quotation.

When an e-mail enters the inbox with a quote request, two important factors need to be analyzed first: Is the request from a company or a personal one? and also, is there a callback number? The Account Manager will typically respond first by e-mail to confirm receipt of the request. In case a callback number has been provided, the Account Manager then calls the client immediately back to receive all the necessary information: of the project and the (time, money or quality). The language pair needs to be determined, together with the target language , the source file format and the format in which the client would like to receive the translation. At this stage, it is vital for the Account Manager to listen very carefully to the client’s requests and respond to their questions in a very clear and comprehensive manner.

Once all the required information has been received, the internal quote request is sent to the Project Manager, who analyzes the scope of the project. Word count and will be defined in this process. In case the translated document needs DTP (Desktop Publishing Services), a thorough DTP analysis will be made as well. Once the Account Manager receives the analysis, a detailed and accurate quote is prepared and sent to the client by e-mail. Always keep in mind that our translations are done by humans, and not machines.

The exact same process takes place whenever a quote request enters through our website or when a prospect calls our office. During the quote process, the prospect typically demands further quotes from other translation agencies, which is why a fast and accurate quote response becomes an important key to success. Please try it out and request a translation quote here.