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Differences in Normal and Rush turnaround time for translation projects

May 23, 2012 1 Comment »

It is very common in my job, that I receive a request to have some documents translated as soon as possible. In addition to the translation request, many times the client also requests 2 different turnaround times; a normal one and one based on a Rush basis. What do we as a Translation Agency have to do to meet the client´s request and how might this affect the quality of the translation?

In order to understand how the Translation Industry works, here are some important numbers to give you a good idea of what , editors and proofreaders can achieve per business day; a translator can translate on average about 2,500 words in one business day. An editor can edit (compare the translated text with the source text) around 5,000 words and a proofreader can do a final proofing of a translated document of around 10,000 words in 1 business day.

The translation process here at Trusted , is made up of our 3-step translation process: translation, and proofreading. This is used for a normal , as well as to ensure the highest . In some cases, when we have clients who require to have their document translated faster than the normal turnaround , we call this translation project a Rush translation project. What happens here is that more translators and editors need to be  involved, in order to be able to process a higher word volume in a shorter time period. The risk in this process is inconsistency,as the more translators and/or editors involved in one single project, the higher the chances of inconsistent use of / style, since each one of them has their own personal sytle.

What did we learn regarding the big difference between normal and rush turnaround? The can be secured when offering a normal turnaround time, whereas when we need to shorten the turnaround in order to meet the client´s , the quality of the translation will suffer. Please always make that very clear to your client, when he or she requests a rush turnaround.

One Response to “Differences in Normal and Rush turnaround time for translation projects”

  • Commented on May 25, 2012 at 5:03 am

    I noticed that in most cases I receive “super-express” orders on Fridays afternnon. I guess that the client in such cases has already asked several freelancers, but they refused. Am I the only one working at the weekends?