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Glossary of Neutral Spanish – Part 2

November 25, 2009 2 Comments »

This is part 2 from the previous post. Included here are terms in from letters C to E. I’d like to remind you that this list is specifically for and ; there may be different options. Feel free to leave your comments or suggestions to add to the list.

cabello (hair)
cafetería (coffee shop, café, cafeteria)
calcetines   (socks)
calle  (block)
camarero  (waiter)
cantinero  (bartender)
carretera (route)
cartera (wallet, billfold)
club de desnudistas (strip joint/bar)
cojín (cushion)
col (cabbage)
columpio   (swing)
computadora (computer, PC)
condón (condom)
conducir (drive)
consentir (pamper, spoil, mollycoddle)
costoso (expensive, costly, dear)
cubo (bucket)
chaqueta, abrigo (jacket)
chispas de chocolate (chocolate chips)
demorar (take long)
deprisa, velozmente  (quickly)
derramar  (spill)
desdichado (miserable)
desnudista (stripper)
detener, detenerse (stop)
dinero ()
dulce (candy, sweet)
ebrio (drunken)
económico, poco costoso (cheap)
echar de menos, echar en falta (miss)
el biquini   (bikini)
elevador (elevator, lift)
emparedado (sandwich)
enfadado  (angry, upset)
enseñar/mostrar (show)
enviar (send)
escoger (choose, pick)
escuela ()


(To be continued…)

2 Responses to “Glossary of Neutral Spanish – Part 2”

  • Fredd
    Commented on April 20, 2010 at 2:36 pm


    I would like to correct some words over there:

    Calle = Street not block Cuadra/Manzana = Block
    Carretera/Camino = Road not Route Ruta = Route

    Also (not actually a correction):

    Cartera/Bolso(Women’s) = Purse
    Cartera/Billetera (Men’s) = Wallet
    Billetera = Billfold
    Cubo = Bucket, Cube

    Hope it helps.

  • Fredd
    Commented on April 20, 2010 at 7:36 am


    I would like to correct some words over there:

    Calle = Street not block Cuadra/Manzana = Block
    Carretera/Camino = Road not Route Ruta = Route

    Also (not actually a correction):

    Cartera/Bolso(Women’s) = Purse
    Cartera/Billetera (Men’s) = Wallet
    Billetera = Billfold
    Cubo = Bucket, Cube

    Hope it helps.