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Is side-by-side an option?

November 9, 2011 1 Comment »

A side-by-side is a two column table with the source text in one column (usually on the left) and the target language in the other (usually on the right).

Besides being a preferred layout for like the UN, the question here is: When is a side-by-side translation a good option to offer to your ?

– When the client’s designer does not know the target language.

– When the client does not have access to the source editable files and does not want to pay for our designers () to recreate the file from scratch.

– When you are dealing with a multiple language translation.

– When you need to handle transcriptions of audio files and their respective translation for subtitling, so that you can have a better control towards the similarity of length of both texts.

This table layout provides a more compact way of displaying source and translation allowing to see the texts side by side. This option will also save the client some bucks if they do not have access to the editable source files.  Instead of having to pay recreation hours for having a file recreated, a side-by-side translation will be a cheaper option.

A side-by-side translation is a really useful if you want to gain efficiency, organization, time and control with your translation.  So go ahead, take a look at this table and give a try yourselves.

Park Boundary Límite del Parque
Bridge Puente
Picnic Area Área para Picnic
Connector Trail Sendero Conector
(unpaved trail) (sendero sin pavimentar)
Park Boundary (162 foot contour) Límite del parque (contorno de 162 pies)
Main Street Calle Principal
Nature Trail Sendero Natural
Front Street Calle del Frente
Fishing area Área para Pescar
Visitor Center Centro de Visitantes
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