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Know these answers and get a quote in no time!

When requesting a quote, you can simply call, email or fill out an online form, so that a sales rep can you. What the is not expecting are the many questions that they will be asked by this sales rep. From what format the files are in, to how you’re expecting the files back and so forth. When requesting a quote, there is certain information that you will be required to provide to the translation agency. If this information is available, you will save a great deal of in back in forth emailing or even phone calls. The more information you provide regarding your files, the more accurate your quote will be and will allow you to see exactly where the costs are coming from.

What to know before requesting a quote? Outlined below are some basic questions that you can expect to be asked by a sales rep.

What is the source and target language?

What language is your document in, and what language do you need it translated into?  You might also be asked if the document will be used in a particular country. This is important because some languages vary depending on the target country.

A good example is Portuguese. The cost per word will vary depending on whether your translation will be used in Portugal or .

What about ?

You do not need to know the exact word count of your documents. As long as you send over your files, the agency will analyze the files and figure this out for you.

What are your documents in?

We will need to know what format your documents are in, and what format will you be sending them to us for quoting purposes. Are the documents in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Quark, InDesign, etc.?

You will also be asked how you would like the documents back or if these files will be printed. If you need the translated files to mirror the source files, they will need to be formatted by our . If such services are needed, you will have to provide all editable source files with finalized designs and all image files.

Knowing the to these questions before you contact a translation agency will help you get an accurate quote in no time.